Monterey Surgery
Surgical Services We Provide
Esophageal Surgery

The most common esophageal disease we treat is gastroesophageal reflux disease (heartburn, or GERD).  Most of these patients have hiatal hernias, though not all, and the surgery may be referred to loosely as “hiatal hernia surgery” or as a fundoplication.

We also, however, are one of the few groups in California who treat a condition known as achalasia. For this condition the most common treatment has become a laparoscopic Heller myotmy, and we have had an extensive experience with this uncommon condition.

We also perform esophagectomy, but open surgery and also, when appropriate, by laparoscopy.  We are among the first in the country to have done this complex surgery by minimally invasive techniques.

If you would like to be seen for any of these conditions, please download the following paperwork and complete it before your visit:

Also, when you come it is most helpful if you can bring any of the following that have been done to assess your esophageal condition:

  • Endoscopy reports
  • Manometry report, if done
  • pH probe, if done
  • X-ray reports and the Xrays themselves.  It is unlikely that we will be satisfied with reports alone, and our time together will be used most effectively if I can review the xrays with you in clinic.